Thursday 3 March 2011

Final Poster..

This is our final romantic comedy poster. Typically we have kept the main characters centre of the poster, as we said, we kept our actress on the left and actor on the right like the Rom-COM posters we researched earlier. We dressed our actors in pink and white to match our colour scheme for the poster to keep our theme consistent. We also kept the names at the top of the poster above the actor's heads, seen on  we made the last names bigger and a different colour to stand out and to balance out the colours used overall. We centred our film title and tag line for maximum effect on the eye grabbing of the audience. We also decided to change the full stop to a heart to make the poster seem more romantic, putting this in a different colour divides up the title's colour so it is less of a block impact on the eye. We chose not to challenge the convention of the billing block and decided to keep it at the bottom of the poster, as it is seen as unimportant and did not want to distract our audience from the main features. We also decided to make the release date unspecific and stuck with the traditional romantic season for advertisement. We noticed that all films create a website to advertise their film, although we did not do this we included a website address on our poster to keep it looking professional.

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