Tuesday 7 December 2010

ROM-com Poster Research..

This romantic comedy poster is very typical and simple, by using the bright girly colours and bold writing to capture it's target audience of young women. Using a white background makes the information and image stand out and also helps to capture the audience. The name of the film and the billing block are both positioned at the top of the page, which is very unusual as they tend to appear at the bottom, causing this convention to be broken. The actors names are also at the top of the poster to grab attention to passers by, as these are well known actors/actresses they are quite large but not as big as the title as that is more important. In most ROM-com posters, the main characters are at the front of the poster to 'tell' the audience who the film revolves around and sometimes suggests the story. In this poster the female character is in the middle with the two male characters either side this suggests that some kind of war is going to take place between the two men to win the girl. The handwriting is a cute little touch on the poster which reminds the audience that the film is about the stories Bridget writes in her diary.

Made of Honor stays with the typical conventions by having the main male and female character in full focus on the poster, this automatically suggests that they are romantically involved or are going to be romantically involved. There isn't a large billing block on this film poster unlike the others and the the name of the film is at the top of the poster which is braking the convention of having the title at the bottom. Also the well-known actor's name is at the top, although this is typical it is unusual for there only to be one well-known name as usually both the male and female characters are played by popular actors/actresses. It also has a tag line underneath the title which we plan to do with our poster. The date of release is rather small at the bottom of the poster, this works well as it doesn't distract the view from the film title and for me this is the best poster of the three.

This film poster for romantic comedy "Never been kissed" is similar to the Bridget Jones poster as it uses the same colours to attract their target audience of young females. The have also to kept the colour scheme for the girl's clothes to keep the continuity in poster, much like the Bridget Jones poster also.  It is clear that this poster is to attract a younger audience as the actress is much younger and is posing as a younger female would which would suggest this poster is aimed at 16-24 year old females. Unlike the Bridget Jones poster the film name and billing block are at the bottom and side of the poster which is more common in film posters and therefore not braking this convention. The cast names are on the same side as the title and above it which I think takes away the grabbing effect of the title and therefore will not be doing that on our poster. 

From this research I can conclude that most posters have the white background so it doesn't overcome it's audience, as if the poster had a bright coloured background it was seem busy and people who have struggle to extract the important information like the film title and date of release. All the posters have a large image, which always includes the female lead character. We plan on including the main female and male characters on our poster and stick with the traditional layout of a film poster with the title at the bottom with the tag line underneath and include the actors/actresses somewhere on it.

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